WordPress Website Security

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WordPress Website Security

Category : Social Media

Protecting your websites protects your social media and your brand.

Where we send people after a call to action in social is just as important as the social post itself. WordPress has a 35% marketshare of all websites on the internet according to W3Techs.

If a call to action leads to a hacked wordpress site or a hacked-and-slow / under attack website, that can affect your brand, credibility, and value. In order to stay on top of this, we suggest two plug-ins.

AntiMalware Brute Force at https://gotmls.net/
This plugin does a great deep scan of your website and can sniff out database injections, htaccess threats, exploits, and core file changes.

Wordfence which can be downloaded at the WordPress site: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/  Wordfence is a great plugin to help monitor threats, attacks, logins, as well as help you stay on top of software updates.

One social media post to a hacked site can bring down your brand. It’s best to stay on top of it with the use of these or similar plugins.


Ron Hall has been managing my social media presentation on Facebook now for a few months. We started out with just a 30 day trial run and the results have been by far worth every bit of time, energy and money spent. Within weeks we saw an increase in customers coming in asking about product they saw posted on FB. Ron’s  comments with the posts I feel adds a special touch which engages the clients! Bob Cook, Bargain Bob’s Discount Store
Bargain Bob's